SemiCare is a full functioning medical debt tracking and payment app. In a team of four designers we came together to try and help solve America's medical debt problem with AI and product design. My role was as visual designer, and main team member who ideated the idea.
Roughly 23 million of the American adult population; 9% owe in medical debt. All together all American adults owe $195 Billion in medical debt. After extensive research we decided a flow chart to trace the users experience was the best course of action.
Most adults who struggle with medical debt, come from ethnic and/or low-income house holds. We created a persona to represent the research and statistics that we found. From there we created Jorge Pena.
For $9.99/ a month SemiCare is avalibale to download. As long as the user qualifies with an annual income of 60K or less a year, they have full access to SemiCare.
As a team we decided to make small solutions to an even bigger problem. The app allows the user to keep track, and upload all medical bills. SemiCare can be used to make income based payments, the more you make up until the ceiling the more you pay. This allows users who cannot afford to pay all medical expenses to lower their debt.
The goal down the line is the eventually make the app free so that everyone can have access. SemiCare was made to give many Americans access to semi universal healthcare. By 2060 we would like SemiCare to fully help pay the medical debt of the impoverished.